Visual Gluttony is interested in all things visual. Not only does the Glutton research, it creates as well....with a guest interviewer (who has asked to remain anonymous), the Glutton reveals its expressive side....
Anon : Well Glutton, I know this is your first published piece. I've read it. Knowing a little bit about your personal background, I understand the emotion behind it. Can you tell us how this book came about ?
VG : That I can. I have always been a writer. I am also essentially a shy person, so writing is the perfect vehicle for me to openly express myself. I have always had a love of the dynamics that take place between what is written and the reader. As we know, the power of the written word lies not with the author, so the challenge as a writer is to interest readers, and to hopefully have the message you're sharing be understood in the manner you had originally intended.
As someone who also has a deep love of visual stimulation, I am also very drawn to photography (in particular). To look at an image of something real, natural, and have it "touch" you is an amazing experience. As the old saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words"...but in the same way that the reader has the power in written communication, so too does the viewer in visual communication.
So when it came time to unleash my work on the world, I thought to myself, why not combine the writing with photographic images ? I had had some feedback about my poetry, and it was encouraging. Words like "strong", "emotive", "powerful" were being flung at me. Reflecting on these, I had wondered how accessible my poetry was to those who may not have a strong grasp of English. I wanted a way to support my words so that my intended messages were more likely to be understood....and "The Tempest In My Eden" was born !
Anon : Awesome idea ! So now that it has been published, what has the feedback been like ?
VG : Interestingly, it has been mostly women who have jumped right in and read it. And every one of them has made the comment that the combination of the poetry and photos has given them goosebumps ! I think what resonates most with the women who have read "Tempest" is the emotion - and that is exactly what I had hoped for.....PHEW !
Anon : Discuss for us the process of choosing the "right" image for each piece of poetry.
VG : Well, first up, it's exhausting ! Lol. My aim was to choose very simple, strong images. I knew I didn't want what I term "visually literal" representations of my poems. I wanted images that connected, yes, but I also wanted them to give the readers a point from which their own imaginations could flow.
For example, "Breathless". Such a short piece. I wanted to create that feeling of lightness you can sometimes experience when you love someone who just lifts you skyward simply by being in your life. I think that was achieved by the use of light clouds, and soft, sunset colours.
Anon : It is only my humble, lay-person's opinion, but I found the book mesmerising. I read it over and over. I think you've done some great work with this first offering. Will there be any more ?
VG : Absolutely. I have quite a stash of poems with potential, lol. I've already secured my visual collaborator for the second book, and a first draft of possible written inclusions. My aim with the next one will be to shock, and hopefully it will be out by/for 2012.
On another note, I have had one of my poems, "Girl On Train" developed into short films by two independent film makers, one of them having screened in 2010 at Kino Syndey. I am currently negotiating for "Girl On Train" to be included in Phillip Debs ProVisual's youtube channel. Hopefully it will be available to view sometime this year - when it is, I'll let you know !
Anon : Can't wait to devour the next course ! Do you see this work as having potential for monetary reward ?
VG : Sure, why not. I have never written with the intention that I am producing work to sell. However, if my work was read by someone who could turn it into something with financial gain, then of course I'd be all for it ! But to be honest, I have only ever written for ME. To express thoughts and emotions I could not otherwise release. And who knows, if someone wanted their wedding album accompanied by some beautiful words, then perhaps I'm the one to do it ! Or if Hallmark greeting cards need someone, they can give me a call - ha ha. No matter what, I will keep writing for me, and sharing my passion.
Anon : We're glad to read that. And knowing you as I do, there's plenty more you've got up your sleeve. Keep writing, keep creating, keep sharing. The entree was very tasty, bring on the degustation !!!
If you'd like to take a look at the ebook, head on over to -
For anyone interested in seeing more of Phillip's work, take a look at -
Both poet (Noreen) and photographer (Phillip) are contactable via email -