Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Little Engine That Could : why the cost of a professional photographer is worth it.

"The Little Engine That Could", is a story that teaches the value of optimism and hard work.

Relevant in all areas of life, and I'll get around to my point, but bear with me. A question was posed to VG recently as to why professional photographers charge as much as they do. Here's the answer :

To start with, with the onslaught of digital cameras and readily available printing out there for every man and his dog to access, it's important to understand that when you engage the services of a professional, you aren't simply paying for someone to point a camera and ask you to say "cheese", then pop down to the local photolab and have prints ready in an hour !

You are paying for their years of experience, their time, travel, set-up, the actual shoot itself (and depending on what this is, may also require the photographer to be "set director", or "stylist" as well).

Then there are the hours spent hunched at the computer touching up all your wonderful images so that they are just right - cropping, contrasting, colouring, sharpening. Of course you need to also factor in consultation time - discussing your requirements, answering questions, throwing around ideas.

When considering all of these factors, you soon realise that a professional is worth the money you pay them. They aren't just taking photos - they are immortalising memories, capturing special moments in time, or making your product look it's most inviting.

It's a tough economic world we live in. Photography is highly competitive. But for those with the drive, the passion, and the determination to succeed, the reward is not only theirs, but that of their clients, also.

If you are a struggling photographer, remind yourself of the Little Engine That Could - repeat after me "I think I can, I think I can." If you are worth your salt, and the proof is in the pictures, you will be paid accordingly.

And for anyone requiring the services of a professional photographer - for weddings, commercial shoots, anything, look no further than Phillip Debs ProVisual. Phillip has had almost 10 years in the industry, and has a fantastic eye for details. For samples of Phillip's work, take a look at his website : All contact details are supplied on the site. He can also be found on Flickr, Facebook and Twitter !

And next time, I'm looking forward to posting an interview with funny man and visual artist, Rob Roy Farmer, so keep your peepers peeled !!

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